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Two girls on a Couch



Visage overwhelmed by an unexpected passing of gas to their subordinate.
The expression on his face was sheer disbelief when they unexpectedly came across a potent flatulence. They were unaware that this silent air would turn them into a bondman of their unseen force. The fart held a bizarre power that captivated her being.
Their face contorted in repulsion as the offensive stench of the gas filled the air. They groaned in distress as they realized they had become enslaved by this obnoxious gas. Each fart was a painful reminder of their bondage. Their face now bore the sign of a gas slave.
A look of dismay washed over their visage as they became an involuntary victim of a mighty blast of wind. The enslavement caused by this fart was unforeseen and overwhelming. Their countenance showed obvious indications of their captivity to the mysterious power within the fart. The flatulence turned them into a servant of the noxious embrace.
Their visage displayed a mix of revulsion and amazement as they submitted to the control of the gas. They struggled to hide their embarrassment, but their captivity was etched all over their visage. The gas had transformed them into a servant of the invisible power, leaving them powerless and compliant. As a wind minion, their countenance betrayed the peculiar and undesired connection they had formed with such shameful act.
Their shocked face reflected the captivating dominance of the fart that subjugated them. They couldn't conceal their puzzlement as the wind exerted its supremacy over them. The fart transformed them into a compliant servant with a visage that showed their submission. Their visage disclosed the undesired captivity they had yielded into, becoming a servant to the gas.
Their countenance altered from disbelief to dread as the gas asserted its dominance over them. They were caught off guard by the unforeseen subjugation caused by the gas release. Their face exhibited both their displeasure and their reluctant submission as they became a slave to the forceful gas. The fart led to an indelible mark on their countenance, forever stamping them as a gas slave.
Their first look of disgust swiftly turned into absolute surprise as they realized they had become a slave to the potent fart. A mix of humiliation and admiration crossed their visage, unveiling the captivation they now experienced. Their face exposed the surprising link they had established with the gas, transforming them into a servant of its unseen power. Every fart served as a reminder of their subjugation, engraved on their visage like a permanent stain.
Their look transformed from displeasure to astonishment as they discovered they were now a minion to the powerful gas. A mixture of embarrassment and intrigue manifested on their countenance, betraying the unwelcome bond they had formed with the wind. Their visage exhibited their powerlessness as the flatulence had subjugated them beyond their control. Each fart served as a unpleasant reminder of their subjugation, making an indelible mark on their countenance.

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02:03  |  06/11/2024  |  EDIT  |  Top↑



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